Thursday, September 25, 2008

Robin's Travel Blog / Peru and Chile

So for those that do not know, I have been traveling with my friend Kera through Chile and Peru for the last 13 days. Kera is a journalist for the Monterey County Weekly in California and was given a grant to do a story on Ocean Acidification. I am her photographer. 
People ask "What is ocean acidification?" Well, it has something to do with a class I never understood in high school and never took in college called Chemistry. Basically, the ocean is absorbing carbon monoxide from fossil fuel emissions causing an imbalance that could influence major changes in marine ecosystems, fisheries, and even the weather. We are talking climate change, possible global warming effects. This is about all I can say. The story is in process. Taking pictures of Ocean Acidification is one of the most obscure things to photograph. Basically, it involves photos of fisheries, the ocean, and scientist. Here a few favorite photos from the past 2 weeks. Next time you hear from me, I will be in Peru in The Sacred Valley finally on a vacation. 

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